
Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost for a burial space?


What are the sizes of the lots?

There are five (5) plots in a lot.

Who do I call about information about the cemetery?

The city office (605) 842-0853. All records are kept in the city office

If I own lots and don’t need them can I give or sell them?

Yes, but you should transfer your plot(s) so the future owner does not have difficulty in proving ownership this can be done in the city office.

How many items may I place at a grave site?

Flowers, temporary memorials, or decorations may be placed on the gravesite for one week prior to Memorial Day and may remain on the gravesite for one week following Memorial Day.  The City will not assume responsibility for, or salvage of, any decorative items so placed.

There shall be no planting of trees, shrubs or other permanent plantings within the City Cemetery except by written permission of the Council.

Flowers, plants or decorations may be placed at any time, provided they are placed in vases or receptacles, which are an integral part of the headstone, memorial, marker or footstone, and do no inhibit the general maintenance of the cemetery.